

You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.

Leviticus 19:34 ESV

What to Expect

When our seed groups come together in the larger gathering, we pray you are welcomed like family! You’ll find friends from all walks of life, in all manner of dress, in fellowship over matters of the Kingdom.

You’ll be invited to pray and sing worship music from traditional and contemporary sources that look to Scripture as their authority. We have a time of preaching where we devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching in the Word.

On a regular basis we break bread together by celebrating the Lord’s Supper or sharing a meal. Sometimes at our gatherings we focus on one of these elements – prayer, fellowship, communion, or teaching – and at other times all are present.

Our liturgy is not rigid, nor are we on a timer; however, you can expect to spend about 90 minutes worshiping together with us—give or take.

We’re a pretty casual fellowship who intentionally stand firm in spirit and truth knowing God is in charge and Jesus is at the head of this local expression of His whole church. We’d be happy to have you stop in on a Sunday or any weekly seed group!

The Sprouts

Children at Vine

You’ll hear the word “discipleship” a lot here! Jesus gave His church the mission to make disciples and parents have this privilege first and foremost with their kids. Vine is here to help and encourage this process.

Children are welcome to remain with their families throughout all worship and teaching. They might be noisy and active—it’s okay—we get it! If parents choose, we have a nursery, ages 0-3 and 2 Sunday school school, ages 4-7 and ages 8-11, available which is led by trusted volunteers who have obtained all of their clearances. Kids will be learning from the same text preached from the pulpit to encourage families to continue meditating on the Word together.

Our pre-teens and teens remain with the adults or aid volunteers in Sunday school and fellowship with their peers in youth group meetings and events.

Please contact Leslie Millen for further information.