Evangelism Series: Part 21 – The God of Peace

Evangelism Series: Part 21 – The God of Peace

Evangelism Part 21: God of Peace
Judges 6:11-27 November 26, 2023

 Matthew 10:5-13 “5 These twelve Jesus sent out, instructing them, “Go nowhere among
the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans, 6 but go rather to the lost sheep of
the house of Israel. 7 And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at
hand.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received
without paying; give without pay. 9 Acquire no gold or silver or copper for your belts, 10
no bag for your journey, or two tunics or sandals or a staff, for the laborer deserves his
food. 11 And whatever town or village you enter, find out who is worthy in it and stay
there until you depart. 12 As you enter the house, greet it. 13 And if the house is
worthy, let your peace come upon it, but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to
 Luke 10:5-6 “5 Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!’ 6 And if a
son of peace is there, your peace will rest upon him. But if not, it will return to you.”
 Season of Peace:
o God of Peace
o Person of Peace
o Household of Peace
o Prince of Peace
o Peacemaking
 Since the beginning of recorded history, the entire world has been at peace less than 8
percent of the time. Of roughly 3,600 years of recorded history, less than 300 years
experienced undisturbed peace.
o During this period there have been over 14,300 wars, in which an estimated 3.64
billion people have been killed directly and indirectly as a result of war
o In that time over 8000 peace treaties have been made and broken
o In the past 330 years, there have been nearly 300 wars in Europe, alone
o Since 650 B.C. there have also been 1656 arms races, only 16 of which have not
ended in war. However, those not ending in war ended in the economic collapse
of the countries involved.
o Every major world hegemon (with the exception of the US, the current world
hegemon) has had its power broken through a war or series of wars that lead to
its political collapse as the world power.

 Our world does not know peace.
o People long for it, but cannot find it.
o In several studies, the most common thing people answered when asked if they
could have anything, was some derivative of peace, either for themselves or for
the world.

 Jesus said John 14:27 “27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the
world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
 So when we go out into the world to share the gospel message of hope, we are bearers
of the only message that can bring true peace.
o But in order to be bearers of Christ’s peace, we must know and understand what
true peace is, and ultimately, who the God of Peace is that we serve.

Peace Generally
 Peace (Heb. Shalom) signifies a sense of well-being and harmony both within and
without; perfect completeness, wholeness, and unity – especially as it relates to Yahweh
o OT scripture uses shalom over 230 times. It has been estimated that up to two
thirds of the biblical uses of shalom point to the fulfillment/wholeness that comes
only when a man experiences God’s presence and pleasure.
 To signify the peace of death or the passing of God’s people (e.g., Ge 15:15;
Ex 18:23;1Ki. 2:6; 2Ki. 22:20)
 The equivalent or close synonym for “prosperity” in a material sense (cf. Ps
72:3ff.; Isa. 54:13)
 It is the gift of God (Isa. 66:12; Jer. 33:6ff)
 It is a blessing from God (cf. 1Ki. 2:33; Ps 29:11; 85:8; Pr 3:17; Isa. 52: 7;
53:7; Jer. 28:9; Nah. 1:15; Hag. 2:9)
 There is no peace for the wicked (Isa. 48:22; 57:21)
 The withdrawal of peace is seen as a curse (cf. Jer. 16:5; Lam. 3:17; Eze. 7:
5; 13:16)
 It is the fruit of righteousness (Isa. 32:17)
 It is used in greetings and benedictions and still used in Israel today to
convey “may all things be prosperous and well with you” (cf. Ge 43:23; Jdg
6:23; Isa. 57:19) (cf. Ex 4:18; Num. 6:26; Jdg 18: 6; 1Sa. 20:42; 2Ki. 5:19)
 It is used to describe relationships – person to person (Ge 34:21), nation to
nation (Dt 2:26, Josh 10:21, 1Ki 4:24, 5:12), God to humans (Ps 85:8, Jer
 It is used to describe the absence of military conflict (Dt 20:10; Jdg 4:17;
1Ki. 2:5; 4:24; Ec 3: 8; Isa. 39: 8. Isa. 9:7)
 General safety from harm or fear (2 Sa 18:29, 32; Job 21:9)
o William Barclay “In Hebrew peace is never only a negative state; it never means
only the absence of trouble; in Hebrew peace always means everything which
makes for a man’s highest good. In the east when one man says to another,
Salaam–which is the same word–he does not mean that he wishes for the other
man only the absence of evil things; he wishes for him tile presence of all good
things. In the Bible peace means not only freedom from all trouble; it means
enjoyment of all good.”

o Very multifaceted word which the Greek and English translate as many other

 Peace (Gk. eirēnē) (92 times in NT) refers to the state of untroubled, undisturbed
tranquility despite the circumstances in which we find ourselves. We remain whole no
matter what chaos abounds.
o In its verb form, it means to bind, or weave together…the ability to hold it
together no matter the state of things around us.
 a meaning conveyed by the common expression of one “having it all

o You see, the world’s idea of peace is always dependent on the circumstances
around us. If you’re healthy, in a good relationship, have wealth, success, power,
or prestige, well the world says then you have peace. The problem is that our
circumstances are constantly changing and therefore there’s no real peace from
the world.
 Romans 3:17 “And the way of peace they have not known.” In spite of all
human attempts at peace, it’s clear from simply observing those who walk
apart from Christ that this world does not know the road to peace.
 You’ve probably heard the story of the little girl sitting by herself on an
airplane. During the flight the plane encountered heavy turbulence and was
battered and beaten, so much so that many people were crying, and
panicking, and clutching their seats in terror. But the little girl sat there
unfazed looking out the window. In the midst of the turbulence that
buffeted the plane the man sitting next to the little girl leaned over to her
and incredulously asked her how she could be so calm. She looked over to
the man and said with a smile, “my daddy is the pilot”.
 That little girl had unshakable peace in the midst of the storm because she
knew who her daddy was and kept her mind fixed on the truth of his
control over that plane, and trusted in him no matter what.

God of Peace
 Context: Midianite oppression after Israelite idolatry (specifically Baal and Asherah
worship), Lord sends a prophet to call them to repentance (no sign of repentance). The
Lord then calls Gideon to deliver the people in turning from idol worship and fighting
back against the Midianites
 Read Judges 6:11-27
o Surface exposition to note as we read:
 “beating out wheat in winepress” (v11) hiding from Midian – afraid –
usually done in open air up high, not in an enclosed winepress
 “Lord is with you, O mighty man of Valor” (v12) – Lord saw Gideon for who
he would become, not as he was
 “Sir” (v13) apparently the angels appearance was like any other man

 Gideon questions the Lord and makes excuses (v13-15)
 “I will be with you” (v16) (2 nd time he says this…see v12)
 Gideon’s first test (v17-21)
 Gideon realizes this was no man, but a messenger of the Lord (v22) and
immediately fears for his life, referring to him as “Lord God” (Adonai
Jehovah) for the first time.
 “Peace be to you. Do not fear” (v23) Shalom
 Altar called The Lord is Peace (v24) Jehovah Shalom
 Gideon responds in fearful obedience to destroy the idols in his household

4 Application of Peace in Evangelism
 In order to share peace, you must have peace, which only comes from the God of Peace
o John 14:27 “27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world
gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
 True peace only comes from the Lord.
 In the midst of suffering and chaos, trial and tribulation, and sin filled
adulterous lives, Yahweh offers us peace through His Son Jesus.
 Through the atoning death and victorious resurrection of Jesus we
can receive and know true peace with Yahweh.

o Ignorance produces fear – Gideon had no idea who he was talk to – He did not
know the presence of God in his life. He did not recognize the truth of God when
it was spoken to him.
 1 Peter 2:2-3 “2 May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the
knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. 3 His divine power has granted to
us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of
him who called us to his own glory and excellence”
 Knowledge (Gk. epignōsis) = not just intellectual understanding but
experiential understanding that gives true and precise knowledge
 Seek to know the word of God and the power of God that may grow in the
knowledge of God and therefore grow in the grace and peace of God – that
you may then share that with others.

 Once you know the God of Peace and understand the task, respond with obedience
o Though he was afraid, Gideon obeyed one he was filled with peace and trust (v27)
o Psalm 119:165 “Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make
them stumble.”

 Fear is the enemy of peace, obedience, and evangelism
o Fear Filled lies of the enemy in this text:
 The Lord doesn’t care/is not present (v13)
 “The Lord is with you.” (v12, v16)
 I am inadequate (v 15)
 “Do not I send you?…I will be with you.”(v14, v16)

 The Lord won’t do what He says (v17-21)
 The Lord remained and met Gideon where he was to strengthen his
faith/trust and gave him peace (v23)

o Like the little girl on the plane, we must learn to trust our heavenly father –
Jehovah Shalom
o Isaiah 26:3 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because
he trusts in you.”
 The more we learn to trust the Lord, the less and less power the fear filled
lies of the enemy can take root and the perfect peace of the Lord will fill us
 Remove the idols in your life that you may grow in the sole trust and peace of the Lord
o All other things of this world are a distraction. Like Gideon tear them down and
burn them that you may be effective in your call to be ministers of peace to the
broken and war filled world around you.

 2 Thessalonians 3:16 “Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in
every way….”