

The “staff” of Vine is the collective body of Christ. Service at Vine isn’t anyone’s vocation, it’s their calling. This avenue of leadership is slightly outside of the norm of current mainstream American church culture; however, we stand firm upon the practices modeled in scripture and can point to many advantages of employing the entire congregation to work where God has called and equipped them. We have overseeing Elders and Seed Group Elders that provide leadership to this local body under the authority of Christ. Members of the teaching team provide research and teaching in varying contexts according to their gifting and calling. Every individual who unifies to form the branches of the true vine is honorable and indispensable and we expect our leadership team to grow by God’s grace as discipleship continues. One of the main ways we are growing our leadership is by our elders intentially identifing, encouraging and discipling potential men who show the biblical gifting of an elder.

We encourage you to visit a Vine gathering or seed group so you can hear testimony about Jesus, the head of our church.