John & Carol Piccolo

John & Carol Piccolo

John’s role: group elder

John and Carol Piccolo have been married over 45 years with three married daughters and five grandchildren. John is originally from the Pittsburgh area with a degree in industrial marketing having retired from 40 years in the industrial truck industry. Carol is originally from the Lancaster County area with a masters in teaching and has recently retired with 30 years in education. John’s faith walk began in his early twenties following a challenge to read the Bible which became a commitment for the next 50 years. Carol’s faith walk was a process that began in early childhood being raised in a Mennonite home which became a continued commitment for the next 60 years. Regardless of their church location—Altoona area, Chicago area, Charlotte area, and now over 30 years in the Lehigh Valley—they were always active in ministry: small couples’ groups, women’s and men’s groups, service of all kinds, events, teaching children and young adults, helping with a church plant, leadership, start-up ministries, and an open home for fellowship on a regular basis. Their goal is to continue to serve the Lord as He gives them the energy and to mentor and disciple families to continue His work far beyond their lives.