Kailian & Kristi Bayer

Kailian & Kristi Bayer

Kailian’s roles: group elder & music ministry contact

Kailian and Kristi Bayer have been married for over a decade and have been working and ministering in the Lehigh Valley throughout that time. Kailian works in mechanical design and drafting at a local company and Kristi is a speech pathologist and splits her time between work and staying home with their three children. The Lord has gifted Kailian with a desire to worship through music. He has been active in worship ministries since being a teenager and has followed the Lord’s calling to guide others in growing their musical gifts to glorify God. The Lord has blessed Kristi with the gift of encouragement and a heart to see young mothers flourish in their role of raising children for the kingdom of God. Both Kailian and Kristi have a love for exploring the Bible and diving deeper into Scripture in their seed group setting. They have been a part of Vine Church Network since its conception and are looking forward to seeing the incredible work that God is doing in their community.
