Mark & Molly Savaglio

Mark & Molly Savaglio

Mark’s roles: group elder & teaching team / Molly’s roles: teaching team

Mark and Molly Savaglio married in 2019 and have spent the majority of their lives in the Lehigh Valley. Mark, in addition to stewarding his growing family, is gifted in leading, wisdom, and zeal for the truth which can be witnessed when he preaches. Professionally, he is a real estate investor focusing on rental properties that need to be gutted and rebuilt. He has created beautiful spaces for people to live in and enjoys the challenges of the building process. Molly is gifted in facilitating, showing the love of God, and joy. She is a diagnostic medical sonographer for a local hospital system. They both share a passion for teaching the Word of God and pioneering new ministry opportunities for the sake of building up and unifying the body of Christ. They have a daughter and are extremely grateful to be blessed with the amazing community of believers that are a part of Vine. Together they love grabbing a meal or playing board games with friends, camping, and kayaking.