Isaac & Kayla Paolino

Isaac & Kayla Paolino

Isaac’s roles: overseeing and group elder, & teaching team

Isaac and Kayla Paolino live just outside of Easton with their two sons, Beckham and Truett. Isaac is a carpenter out of the Lehigh Valley and Kayla works in R&D finance for a pharmaceutical company in New Jersey. They were both raised in Christian homes and professed Christ at a young age. Each of them had distinct moments when they began to follow Christ as his disciples—Isaac in 2009 and Kayla in 2011. They were married in 2015 and have since served the church body in varying capacities. Their primary expression in serving the body has been hosting small groups and bible studies in their home, with an emphasis of living life alongside their fellow brothers and sisters in the Lord. Combined with great mentorship, this setting has helped them identify and grow their spiritual gifts of exhortative teaching, shepherding, wisdom, and discernment. In turn, this has allowed them to serve the Lord more specifically and has helped clarify God’s calling for their life.